Monday, September 24, 2012

.food photography

Are you familiar with Garden&Gun Magazine ? If not, you definitely should be. It's a quarterly magazine that publishes stories on food, entertainment, sporting, fashion, and all things delightfully Southern. The articles are informative, the writing is always witty, and the photos are absolutely gorgeous.

Of course, the photography is my favorite part. Their photo editor has a distinct well-trained eye, and continually provides simple, unpretentious photos that instantly mesmerize the viewer [obviously I'm speaking for myself here, but I feel confident you would experience the same sentiment :) ]. 

Last week, I visited my local farmers market and decided to put my purchases to good use [both inside and outside of the kitchen] and tried out my hand at food photography. I tried to imagine if I was photographing for the cover of Garden&Gun. How would I make a pile of fresh okra look so beautiful and appealing that someone would want to pick up the magazine that it graces? 

Here's what I saw:

Have a great day, my friends! And check out Garden&Gun when you need a little distraction from your Monday blues. :)


  1. I would pick up that magazine!

  2. Oh garden and gun, how I love thee. I think you're running on the right track miss.carol.

  3. Your photos are gorgeous. :)
